The Settings tab allows you to view and update certain key options regarding you panel and is broken up into three sections.
The first section handles the basic panel information, including name, country, language, currency and status. You also have the potential to upload a logo and set the default color of your panel (which will be used in the panelist portal).
The second section allows you to select whether you are intending to use an embedded/iframed design (i.e. one where the panelist experience is contained within your website) or just to have the panelists register and login to standalone pages. The former is the most common and potentially offers the best solution for your panelists. Once you have created your website and know the page that will house the login URL, you can enter this here.
The final section details your panel specific links for both login and registration that you will need to use for your site so that panelists can join and/or access their account.
Once you are happy with your changes, simply click the update panel settings button.
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