How do I filter on my previously generated reports?
It's possible to filter either on the type of report or by date.
How do I download my generated reports?
Simply just click on the name of the report in order to download it. The status of the report will need to be 'Available' in order for you to be able to download the report.
My report is still stuck in status 'Queued/generating' and I've been waiting for quite some time now. Is something wrong?
Please note that the reports are generated on a 'first come, first served' basis and the waiting time might be longer during certain times of the day. The same reporting system that is being used by our suppliers & panel owners is also used to process reports generated by Cint employees, hence why the waiting time for the reports might sometimes be longer. Please wait for the report to be generated if the status is either 'Queued' or 'Generating', creating a second report will not speed up the waiting time.
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