If you see a points deduction (payment deduction) on your panelist account, this means a survey that was previously completed has been rejected by the client. Upon review of the submitted survey, issues with the data have been found. This can happen for many reasons, for example, poor quality feedback, inconsistent answers, streamlining, entering fake details, failed quality control within the survey, etc.
When poor quality data is detected clients are left with data they cannot use, resulting in the survey being rejected and the reversal of the payment.
We ask that respondents read each question carefully, review all answers before making a selection. Ensure they are fulfilling all the requirements correctly before proceeding to the next page, take their time, and do not speed through the pages or the survey as a whole.
If they are asked to provide their thoughts (typed answers) on a subject, they should give thoughtful answers, go into as much detail as possible, rather than typing a few words/lines, providing answers that do not make sense or answers that do not pertain to the question presented to them.
They should also only enter real information that is their own, try to limit their selections to those that apply to them personally and/or those in their household (not the entire family). Try not to repeat the same answers such as 'Don't Know/None of the above all the time unless it actually does apply to them.
Please use this link for more detailed information regarding a survey reversal (rejected survey). What is a survey reversal and why does it happen?
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